ERASMUS+ Weaving Webs of Stories Welcome to this training programme – and thank you for taking part in our transnational effort to boost literacy and help young people challenge hatred and discrimination, and become advocates for inclusion and equality.
This Programme was developed by the partnership with the young people’s learning, enjoyment and achievement at its heart This training course is dedicated to the young people who participated in the literacy and inclusion pilot sessions in seven European countries We also thank the schools and staff whose participation helped us deliver the school sessions with positive outcomes
The famous scientist Louis Pasteur spoke of the importance of having a “prepared mind” in order to achieve and do well. This programme looks at what it means to have a “prepared mind” in the 21st century, and how we can contribute to developing the necessary skills to flourish today, in a fast-moving, diverse, complex and often unequal world. Our approach is based on tried and tested non-formal learning methods. There are more details further on in the pack. We are grateful to the European Union for funding the Weaving Webs of Stories project.
This project has been delivered by a transnational partnership:
UK Every Child an Achiever (coordinating body)
UK Finsbury Park Trust (applicant body) Romania Scoala primară EuroEd Iași Greece You in Europe Bulgaria Zinev Art Technologies
Lithuania Arts Agency ARTSCAPE
Spain ACCESOphia
Finland Learning for Integration ry
Using the tried and tested principles and methodology of non-formal learning developed by UK Department for Education (broadly similar to models developed in the EU)
UK Parkwood School (Hackney, London)
Rokesly Junior School (Haringey, London)
Highgate Wood School (Haringey, London)
Islington Arts and Media School (Islington, London)
Pakeman School (Islington, London) BG
39 Secondary school “Petar Dinekov” (Sofia)
School for talented students from poor families “Dimitar Ekimov” (Rusalya) Centre for children without parental care “Dolna Banya” (Dolna Banya) Secondary school “Dimitar Blagoev” (Svishtov)
Scoala EuroED School, Iasi Scoala gimnaziala Ioan Alexandru Cuza, Falticeni
Scoala Junior, Iasi
Scoala gimnaziala Constantin Păunescu, Iasi
Scoala primară Gheorghe Asachi, Iași ES
Petar Beron - Leganes (Madrid)
Vasil Levski - San Agustín de Guadalix (Madrid)
Santa Elena - Villarejo de Salvanes San Antonio - Madrid
GR 4o Elementary School of Nea Moudania
“Home of Arsis” NGO
Consultation with schools ahead of developing the programme identified literacy as a top priority. In our partner countries too many young people were starting their secondary school education without good enough literacy competencies. This has well-known consequences – difficulty accessing the curriculum, poor outcomes, risk of early school leaving, problems with employment and wider engagement in society. Improvements needed to be supported for the long-term too, so that young people would become lifelong readers
We were also increasingly aware of the resurgence of far-right ideologies and an increase in racist and sexist incidents in post-Brexit Britain and also in other European states – a threat which needs to be taken seriously.
Despite all the work already done, prejudice and hatred still exist.
The programme therefore addresses both issues - because literacy is a powerful tool to help young people develop an understanding of stereotypes and a deep awareness of their harmful effects.